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Meet The Team: Cerys Webb, Contract Support

This week’s ‘Meet The Team’ interview is with Cerys Webb – Contract Support.

Cerys joined us in September of 2023 and is now well-embedded into the team. We caught up with her to find out what the past 9 months has been like for her getting to know Ergro…

You joined Ergro in Autumn 23, how are you getting on?

“I have enjoyed the first several months working at Ergro, I love my team and the atmosphere in the office. The job itself comes with challenges, but nothing that I haven’t been able to handle. The feedback I have received from my superior has been great.”

What made you choose to work Ergro?

“I wanted to try something new, as I have always worked in the health and social care sector. Also, my cousin worked here at the time of me joining, and she told me very good things.”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

“I hope to have progressed in my career, and at that point I would like to start a family.”

What’s the best thing about coming into the office?

“Being able to socialise with my team whilst working.”

You find a lottery ticket to win £10 million. What would you do?

“I would definitely give my mum and dad a couple of million, so I can repay them for everything they’ve done for me. Then I would probably give my sisters some of it, invest half of it and with the rest I would buy a really nice house and travel.”

If you could give younger you one piece of advice, what would you say?

“If I could tell younger me anything, I would tell her to stop caring about what people think as much, and to just live her life how she wants to because life is way too short.”

What’s your favourite way to spend down time?

“My favourite way to spend down time would be to be with my partner, going out on a date or even just relaxing at home watching a film.”

If you could move to any other country, which would you move to?

“If I could move anywhere, I would probably move to Australia, just because they have a different, more positive way of life. However, I wouldn’t really want to leave England, I would get very homesick.”

If you had a talk show, who would you invite on?

“I would invite Renee Rapp (a singer) or Leah Willamson (a footballer), as they are both powerful women within the music / sports industry, who are very inspiring.”